Walk Out the Door

This should be a powerful book launch and signing event. To start, according to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, one in three women and one in four men experience some form of physical violence by their intimate partner. Additionally, on a typical day, NCADV estimates that 20,000 phone calls are placed to police regarding domestic violence. Those statistics are alarming and horrifying, and Pearl Wolfe and Evelyn Anderton know many of the stories behind many of those numbers — including their own. They have collaborated on a new novel — Walk Out the Door — that takes readers through the process of the main character, Liz, leaving an abusive relationship. One reviewer notes that it is an “authentic, simultaneously tender and gritty account of Liz’s journey through the labyrinthian and insidious corridors of domestic violence.” Wolfe and Anderton have their personal stories to tell, as well as their past professional relationship with this darkness. They met in the 1990s and forged a friendship while working for Womenspace (now Hope and Safety Alliance), and they saw daily the trauma and damage suffered by those fleeing domestic violence. Both are recipients of the City of Eugene Human Rights Recognition Award.      

The book signing with Pearl Wolfe and Evelyn Anderton, co-authors of the novel Walk Out the Door, is 2-4 pm Saturday, Sept. 17 at Tsunami Books, 2585 Willamette St. FREE.

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