DeFazio Gave Us a Lifetime of Service

Your Jan. 19 profile of recently retired U.S. Rep. Peter DeFazio was very good — but, let’s face it, no single newspaper tribute to Peter would be able to encapsulate his lifetime of service to the public. It would take a book.

I had the very good fortune to share a cubicle with DeFazio in the Longworth House Office Building when we both worked for Rep. Jim Weaver. Everyone who worked with DeFazio in those days knew he was destined for greatness. Over the next 40 years, he did not disappoint.

DeFazio has stood up to the right wing and the naysayers for years. He’s urged peace in foreign affairs. He’s worked for environmental rights, equal rights and worker rights. He’s stood up to Wall Street hedge fund titans. For all of us in his district, we know he’s worked hard to be accessible, represent the people here and attend to their needs.

We will miss you, Peter. A job well done!

C. Peter Sorenson


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