Can We Find A Solution For Homelessness?

For the past seven years my colleagues and I have worked in downtown Eugene and have observed many changes in our community. Historically, we were friendly with the familiar faces of the unhoused, who were respectful community members and actively sought out help with dependency issues, housing insecurity and job connections.

However, a shift has occurred in the last year, and now we no longer see those familiar faces. Instead, we routinely witness blatant drug distribution, heroin and methamphetamine use, and continually navigate vomit and human shit, and people passed out in front of our work location.

Therefore, while the recent article (“Fast and Furious,” EW, April 13) regarding the two-hour sweeps happening in our community is understandably disturbing, these are the same people we see dealing and using downtown. How about doing an article about people selling, freebasing and spray painting stolen bicycles? Or maybe, EW, coming up with a solution to this crisis?

Christie Creed


Editor’s note: Eugene Weekly has covered many solutions to the homeless crisis. Many can be found searching the terms homelessness as well as Catalyst Journalism Project at

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