Don’t Cut Animal Services

I would like to respond to the story “Slashing Animal Services” in Eugene Weekly on April 20.

Many of us are very concerned about this 56 percent cut to animal welfare in the Eugene area. Laying off another officer to part-time duty would be very detrimental to animal welfare. With more folks moving to Oregon, and the fact that many lose their housing, the animals are the ones who suffer the consequence, by being abandoned, neglected or abused.

The Eugene/Springfield area is quite large, and since Springfield does not have a contract for cats, there are many, many there who need assistance also. It is very sad to even fathom such a cut to animal welfare.

I am asking the Eugene City Council, mayor and budget committee, to please reconsider this budget cut. People unfortunately will just start abandoning more and more cats as well as rabbits and guinea pigs.

Kathy January


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