A reader questions whether Local 555 members know what their union leadership is spending money on in Sept. 28’s online extra letters


The aggressive campaign by one union attempting to recall Paul Holvey appears to be incredibly highly funded. I wonder if the entire membership of this union is in agreement to spend their hard-earned union dues on this extreme attack on a popularly elected legislator. This effort is expensive in every way, and I am wary as a taxpayer of efforts such as this to overturn an election. I am certainly not happy about my tax dollars being spent on a one-item special election to oust someone unless there has been injurious or criminal behavior, which is not the case here.

A full-page leaflet sent on the same day as ballots and a full-page ad in Eugene Weekly both strike me as very expensive and trigger thoughts about who might really be funding this, and why there is such an urgency to remove this public servant after his years of service.

This will be eventually decided at the next election, regardless. In my opinion, we should respect the voters who elected Holvey. The next election cycle is soon enough to make a change if one is needed. Dedicated public servants should not be dismissed lightly.

Rita Babauta Kiley



I oppose the effort to recall Rep. Paul Holvey. The statements by UFCW that try to support the recall actually don’t. They sent out a mailer and bought an ad in EW saying, “Follow the Money.” But their “money trail” mailer and ad shows money flowing from an owner of La Mota to Rep. Julie Fahey, through Holvey, back to Fahey

 If this were really about the money, they should be recalling Fahey. Their ballot statement supporting the recall refers to a contribution to “his caucus’ campaign fund.” What that translates to is that La Mota gave money to the House Democratic Party’s campaign fund. If this were really about the money, they should be urging all registered Democrats to change their party affiliation. (As a member of the Pacific Green Party I think that’s a good idea, and would welcome you. But not because of this.)

And their “Recall Election Information” mailer refers to “strange endorsements.” As recently as 2021, UFCW itself endorsed Holvey; after the pension bill they now attack him for. What’s strange is this recall. It’s really an effort to punish Holvey for not supporting HB3183 — which actually died in Fahey’s committee, not his — and perhaps to intimidate other representatives. That is not what the recall process is for. Please vote “no” on the recall by Oct. 3.

Li Tubman



At the end of 2023 EWEB will close and dismantle the College Hill Reservoir. Its historic walls, built by FDR’s Works Progress Administration in the 1930s, will be demolished along with the 2.5-acre paved top that has served as a unique public space in Eugene for generations.

Set among tall trees along an entire block of Lincoln Street, it draws people of all ages from around the community who use it to roller-skate, watch the stars, play hockey, practice Tai Chi, teach little ones how to ride their bikes or watch the sunset. The reservoir is more than a water storage facility, it’s an irreplaceable landmark in our community. 

EWEB is a customer-owned public utility. They have made some effort to tell Eugene residents about these plans. They have a website and hosted meetings with neighbors to explain the need to replace the “antiquated” structure, but there are no signs posted on the reservoir. Despite a few news articles, many people have no idea that it will be closed for good in just a few months. Everyone understands the need to update our water infrastructure, but asking just a handful of interested neighbors how to mitigate the loss doesn’t reflect the broad impact these decisions will have on our city.

If you’ve spent time on the reservoir let EWEB know how you use it and what it means to you. It’s our responsibility to preserve and reuse parts of this beloved historic structure rather than lose it to time.

Kathryn Kuttis


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