EW Readers Have Opinions on PeaceHealth, E-Bikes and the Boomer-Dominated Eugene City Council


Well that was fun. First off, congrats to Rep. Paul Holvey for an excellent campaign to push back a recall. You stood firm to your record after waves of attacks and oceans of criticism. 

Second, as a union leader and a labor activist, it of course saddens me to see labor unions fight against one another. And I feel sad for the spending of UFCW members’ money to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars on this recall. Frankly, it could have been spent on recalling senators who refused to show up to work, as opposed to someone who showed up as a champion for working families. 

But, like any imperfect family, the union family has a food fight at the dinner table every once in a while. Then we come back together, clean up the mess, and unite again to fight for working families. 

To my union sisters and brothers of UFCW, let’s once again stand by each other. Let’s knock on doors and elect working family candidates together. Let’s stand in solidarity against inequality and injustice. Disagreement and dissent deserves discussion and debate. But we are stronger in solidarity, divided we devolve.

Austin Folnagy 



In response to K.T. Willett (“A Civics Lesson About the Mayor”) and Carol Ipsen (“The Mayor is Not the Problem,” Letters, Sept. 28), I totally agree with both of you. The totally irresponsible actions, no city hall, homelessness, etc., is not all the mayor’s fault. The city councilors in Eugene obviously are not out in the community to view what is happening in our community, i.e., people and their trash everywhere, freeways that are no longer cleaned, not being able to go downtown without being accosted for money and the businesses downtown that have closed due to lack of foot traffic.

Does anyone from the City Council ever go out door to door in their ward and talk with residents about the needs in their area? I’ve been to a City Council meeting that never addressed any of our problems and only talked about money and how to spend it, but never put anything in place. Lane County needs to step up into the 21st century!

Perhaps we need some millennials on the council who are more educated than our current council and know how to function in today’s world.

Marlene Pearson



The letter writer who blames our mayors for the city’s problems and conditions (Letters, Sept. 21) should look to our city manager form of government, not to our mayors, who have limited authority and work tirelessly at hours that are part time in name only. The city manager earns over $200,000 more than the mayor and is, as the writer’s mayoral criticism demonstrates, less known, less accessible and harder to hold accountable. The city of Portland is phasing out this form of government for good reasons.

Lucinda Muniz-Hale


Editor’s note: Portland is in fact moving toward a city manager form of government, but one with well paid city council members.


As an organizer with the Eugene Tenant Alliance PAC, I’m committed to fair and affordable housing. The urgency of Eugene’s housing and homelessness crisis calls for leaders with both vision and expertise. This is why we endorse interim city councilor Lyndsie Leech for election as city councilor for Eugene Ward 7.

Leech stands out as a pro-housing advocate. She successfully navigates the complex housing landscape, advocating for consumer protection and sustainable development. Her balanced approach has yielded practical, equitable solutions for Eugene’s residents.

Leech listens and acts. Her focus on tenant rights and regulatory protections underscores a commitment to social responsibility. Equally, she isn’t timid about pursuing necessary new developments, ensuring both new low income housing construction and missing middle housing.

Her hands-on approach to our housing crisis is not just commendable but essential for progress. Leech’s effective leadership in her first year promises even more meaningful change in a full term as a city councilor. Join us in supporting Leech in the upcoming special election. Eugene can’t afford to lose such an impactful advocate.

Mysti Frost



 I would like to thank Kass Flaig for a letter concerning the hospital situation (“Eugene Needs a New Hospital,” Sept. 28). As PeaceHealth readily concedes, medical corporations are not about health care, but about money. Operating any clinic or hospital is very expensive, even for nonprofits. In this regard, rather than attempt to summarize a fascinating study of health care provision and how it is, or isn’t, paid for, I would like to strongly recommend a book by Brian Alexander titled The Hospital: Life, Death, and Dollars in a Small American Town, which covers every aspect to medical operations and costs and shows the stark relationship between medical outcomes and poverty. It is a very informative book.

Patricia Spicer



Yes, e-bikes are the new danger on the paths and streets. I bike daily and have for years. I ride an e-bike and a conventional bike. I think the new e-bike riders are more dangerous than us seasoned riders.

On the bike paths, e-bikers constantly zoom past me, not saying anything. The average e-bike weighs in at 55 pounds — mine is 65 pounds — so going 10 or 15 miles an hour and hitting a person would cause major damage and could kill a child or adult.

Oregon state driving laws for autos apply to bicycles as well. Now with e-bike riders, the trail has become as dangerous as riding on streets — possibly worse — because of riding way too fast for the bike/pedestrian trails. Sadly, new laws won’t be passed until someone suffers death or severe injury. An e-bike weighing 55 pounds, plus rider weight of 150, becomes 205 pounds. Riding at 10 or 15 mph can cause major trauma to an adult or child, and death is very possible.

An e-bike is a motorized missile with you as the pilot responsible for aiming it and speed. It can be as deadly as a car can be.

On bike trails and on the streets, please ride with this new sense of responsibility that comes with driving any motorized vehicle. E-bikes ain’t your old bicycle when you could ride with abandon. 

Jan Gardner



Hello, city of Eugene!

Now that so much traffic is being redirected up and down Willamette Street, specifically between 13th and 18th avenues, and with the dark months approaching, how about some enhanced-visibility crosswalks for safer crossing? It’s kinda nuts out there.

Rebecca Rose



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