From fall weather and sportsball to collecting warm winter clothing for the unhoused in Slant

• With cold weather coming, we want to remind our readers of the big boxes we have in the lobby of the Eugene Weekly building at 1251 Lincoln Street. Readers bring in warm clothing, blankets, water bottles, warm socks and more. Some folks have even brought hand knitted scarves. White Bird Clinic picks them up as part of its “drive to stay warm” and gets them to those who need them. We are always impressed at how much warmth goes in and out of those boxes, thanks to you caring folks in the community.

We are printing 31,000 papers this week, and you faithful readers pick them up (we know, you love the sudoku). Often we get requests for more coverage of news, music, arts and more, and you want it in print. We love it in print, too, but there’s a catch — printing papers costs money. Support our faithful advertisers who pay for those printed pages and tell venues, restaurants and shops you love that you’d also love to see them in Eugene Weekly. And if you have an out-of the-box idea for fundraising or funds our nonprofit arm can apply for, let us know at 

On the sportsball beat, the Oregon Duck volleyballers picked up tough road wins over Colorado and Utah last weekend. You can catch the top 10-rated Ducks in Eugene this weekend. Arizona comes to town at 7 pm Friday the 13th, and Arizona State faces Oregon at noon Sunday, Oct. 15. Let’s fill Matthew Knight Arena!

On the sports and cool weather tip, the City Club of Eugene’s Oct. 13 program is on “Outdoor Spaces: Good for You, Good for the Economy.” According to the City Club, “Travel Oregon reports outdoor recreation is a major contributor to the economy of Lane County. In 2019 local recreationists and visitors spent $1.29 billion in Lane County. In the same year, outdoor enthusiasts spent $15.5 billion in Oregon.” The free noon program takes place at the Maple Room at the Inn at the 5th, and airs Monday evenings on KLCC.

With the advent of cool wet weather, the wildfires that poisoned our air through the summer are now contained and largely put out. This year’s fall leaves are spectacular. Now’s the time to get out and enjoy living in the world’s greatest city for the arts and outdoors, or whatever the current municipal motto is. Enjoy. Go hike Mount Pisgah. Go storm watching at the coast. Buy tickets for the ballet or symphony, or take in a show at a local theater. See the Ducks play. Donate to an agency helping the homeless. And as wars rage around the world, be thankful we live in a beautiful place where democracy still, mostly, works.

Oct. 19 is our Best of Eugene issue, so stay tuned for our annual colorful assemblage of all that is wonderful and weird in Lane County. It’s one of our favorite issues of the year because it’s all about what you, the readers, love about this place we call home. 


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