Back in South Eugene Albertsons and more in Slant

Thank you to the readers who have reached out to Albertsons and let them know of their dismay that the supermarket chain has decided to no longer carry Eugene Weekly. First the good news! The south Eugene Albertsons has said we can put the Weekly back on a rack. Not as many as before, but please tell that store thank you! We were told that they’ve had an unusual number of angry customers and our readers have been “relentless.” 

Bad news: We have also heard from one of our delivery drivers that Safeway — which is part of the same mega company that Albertsons is — is also saying “no” to the Weekly. That’s still about 3,000 copies of the paper you love not getting out there. Got suggestions for where you would like your Weekly? Maybe near Albertsons or Safeway? Email

We’re proud to see the remarkable poem “To You” in the April 1 New Yorker magazine. Maxine Scates, who lives in Eugene, is the poet. The East Coast editors have chosen several of her earlier poems to run in their precious space.

A wild wolverine rambled through Eugene last week, captured on cameras but running free. We appreciate this injection of wildness and hope the wolverine ends up in a comfortable, happy, wild place far from Willamette Street. The wolverine has been spotted in cities on the coast, and the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife says it’s probably dispersing to a new area to reproduce.

Got charm? Looking for a high-public-contact job? Can you do fast and accurate work with words and numbers? Would you enjoy working at the best little newspaper in this part of Oregon? Eugene Weekly is looking for someone with all those qualifications, and a few more, to make the job their own and join our small but friendly staff to help the paper recover from the recent embezzlement. The job includes staffing the front desk during business hours, Monday through Friday, helping people place classified ads, and presenting a friendly, caring face to our amazingly supportive community. See the ad, this issue!

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