An excerpt from an April 1970 ‘Daily Emerald’ where writer Alan Smith has some opinions about ’70S fashion. Courtesy Eugene Daily Emerald.

To Wear or Not to Wear

Who is letting these ‘70s lib chicks buy blue jeans?

Spring outfits are in full bloom around the University of Oregon campus. Students hurry around campus anticipating their classes coming to an end. Regardless of the stress of finals approaching, everyone’s style is as expressive and daring as ever. After all, it is the ’70s. 

As seen in the Oregon Daily Emerald’s spring fashion issue, women are showing more skin, wearing halter tops and mini skirts with their hair wrapped in bright scarves. The student paper also shows skirt hemlines are shorter and tops are ever so small. 

But each step forward for Women’s Liberation moves men a step closer to hell, according to the Emerald’s writers. “Much of the blame for current campus fashion trends must be laid at the callused feet of women’s lib chicks,” Alan Smith writes in the April 1970 fashion issue. 

Jeans and a sweatshirt, a popular outfit free of bold exposure, is a perfectly fine style for men, but offensively wrong for women. Poor old Mr. Levi, rolling over in his grave because women are wearing blue jeans that they shouldn’t even be allowed to buy in the first place, Smith writes. He continues, “Girls… shave your legs. Nothing hampers the view of a well-turned calf like two weeks growth of beard,” 

At least writer Denise Alexander is looking out for women with her column, telling “hapless bodied females” to prevent their bottom and hips from looking big by wearing cotton, smocked gingham dresses and not wearing jersey bellbottoms.

“Don’t try to stuff yourself into the latest skinny ‘Young Edwardian’ label at your favorite boutique. It may look great on Penelope Tree, but not on you, so why try?” Alexander writes. 

It’s the ’70s. Fashion progresses, but everyone still hates “chicks.”

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