Photo courtesy of Eugene Transportation Department

It’s Not a Bridge, But It’s a Celebration

Breakfast at the Bike Bridges this month is at the 13th Avenue Bikeway

Two-wheel travel is an everyday fact of life for some in Eugene, be it with conventional bikes or, increasingly, with electric bikes. Getting to work? Running errands? Simply enjoying the day? Eugene’s Transportation Planning department has sought to foster that growth since 2013 with the Breakfast at the Bike Bridges program. This month’s stop is, well, not at a bike bridge, but in front of Moke’s Coffee & Kitchen on the corner of 13th Avenue and High Street. “Our team had a good laugh about that,” says Willow Hamilton of Eugene Transportation Planning. In part, Hamilton says, the June 28 event celebrates the designated two-way bike lanes on 13th Avenue and the recently completed two-way bike lanes on High Street from East 19th to East 6th avenues. “The other piece would be the community aspect,” Hamilton notes. She adds that cyclists can get to know each other and enjoy free coffee and bagels while meeting transportation staff members and bike advocacy groups as well as get free bike safety checks. Hamilton says that construction for designated bike lanes on Lincoln Street from West 13th to West 8th avenues will begin in June 2025, and the city now has funding for designated bike lanes to the Oakway Center, though that project is only in the engineering stage. Breakfast at the Bike Bridges returns to Eugene-area bridges July 26 at Maurie Jacobs Park, August 30 at the Peter DeFazio Bridge and Sept. 27 at the Frohnmayer Bike Bridge.   

Breakfast at the Bike Bridges returns 7 am to 9 am Friday, June 28, to celebrate the 13th Avenue Bikeway. The gathering is at 13th Avenue and High Street in front of Moke’s Coffee & Kitchen, 295 East 13th Avenue. FREE.