• Weekly hoodies are back! Every time we wear one of our cool red hooded sweatshirts, somebody wants one. Sure it’s June, but this is Oregon and hoodie season is around the corner! Head on over to CustomInk.com and find the Eugene Weekly Choose the Alternative campaign. For $50 you get a bright red hoodie and the satisfaction of knowing you are helping us get back in the black. You can also drop by 1251 Lincoln Street to check out other Weekly and EW pride T-shirts! And say hi!
• Those who have been following the saga of Oregon Medical Group in Eugene will want to check out the next two City Club of Eugene meetings: “First, Do No Harm, Part I: The State of Health Care in Oregon,” “will explore what happened to Oregon Medical Group, why the community’s emotions are so strong, and what is occurring in Salem as a result” on June 28. On July 19, Part II addresses “efforts to address the corporatization of Medicine.” Both meetings are at noon on Fridays in the Maple Room at the Inn at the Fifth, 205 East Sixth Avenue.
• We heard from readers that some folks were offended by the Camel cigarette ad we ran last week. We also heard from other readers that they understand we need to pay to print these pages. One full page ad basically pulls in enough to pay the printer to get these inky pages you love (or love to hate) into your hands. And thanks to that embezzlement, we still owe our printer money. The journalists who write the paper don’t have a say over advertising — that’s why you see ads for political candidates we didn’t endorse, for example. And none of our writers smoke (umm, cigarettes, that is). But we are in charge of running the letters you write! Do you have feelings about the cigarette ad? Write Letters@EugeneWeekly.com and we’ll put them in the paper. Just want to privately express your dismay? Email Editor@EugeneWeekly.com and Editor Camilla Mortensen will pass it on. Want to take out a local, non-smoking ad? Shalena@EugeneWeekly.com.

• Have you been to the 2024 Olympic Trials at Hayward Field? Snoop Dogg has. The track and field news is all over the place, but what is less talked about is that we hear most of the trials-goers are spending more time at the field than at local businesses, so don’t be afraid to go out to eat! Also, don’t be afraid of that loud Coast Guard helicopter flyover at the trials around 4:20 pm June 27. A note that went out to folks at the University of Oregon said, “The campus community should expect loud noise. Those near the stadium may experience buildings shaking.” No, it’s not the Cascadia quake.
• The Eugene music scene lost a beloved artist. On June 22, Dorian Crow, jazz punk/soul/hip-hop bassist, was killed in an accident, leaving behind his partner and two children. Crow was known for his work with Mood Area 52, Eleven Eyes and Marv Ellis and We Tribe, as well as playing in jazz ensembles. A GoFundMe, “Help Ease the Burden for Dorian’s Family,” has been set up for his memorial costs and to support his partner, a self-employed professional counselor.