Photo by Ali Selman (@toughtenderphoto on Instagram)

‘The Unknowing’ Questions Society’s Lack of Empathy

Ethan Guillen debuts his first full-length contemporary dance March 8

Ethan Guillen has spent his career working as an HIV activist to broaden access to equitable HIV medicine and other prescriptions for those in need. His work centers around giving visibility to those who are systemically marginalized. This week, Guillen celebrates the first showing of his full-length choreographed piece, The Unknowing, featuring original music composed by Daniel Bradley. The show combines Guillen’s love for physics and astronomy with his affinity for activism, relating the creation of the universe to the start of society and the formation of self through contemporary movement. In May 2024, Guillen premiered a short version of an individual act from The Unknowing with the help of Bradley’s original music. After around six months, it has blossomed into a full-length piece with four acts and three interludes. Almost all the dancers in the piece have trained with Bonnie Simoa, previously a performing arts instructor at Lane Community College. “As you’’re growing up, you rely on those around you to sort of help you identify your value, your worth, your place in the world,” Guillen says. “And there has to come this moment where you realize that society can be wrong. Society can lack empathy and be unable to actually see you.” Guillen says he hopes the performance will help us think about the ways we treat each other and help people show love for themselves in a time where society is lacking in love and empathy.

The Unknowing is 7:30 pm to 9 pm, Saturday, March 8, and 2 pm to 3:30 pm Sunday, March 9, at Lane Community College’s Ragozzino Theater, 4000 East 30th Avenue. Tickets are $5–15 at the door.