Lane County Area Spray Schedule 10-17-13

• Seneca Jones Timber Company, 689-1011, plans to hire Oregon Forest Management Services, 520-5941, to hack and squirt 54 acres near Douglas Creek with Polaris AC. See ODF notification 2013-781-00911 for more information. • ODOT is now doing fall roadside spraying in Lane County. You may reach District 5 offices at (541) 744-8080 or call their automated information line at (888) 996-8080 for more information. Continue reading 

Lane County Area Spray Schedule 10-10-13

Freres Timber Inc. (503) 859-2111 plans to hire Rue Forest Contracting (503) 829-4150 to hack and squirt 37 acres near Upper Lake Creek with Imazapyr. See ODF notification 2013-781-00903 for more information. ODOT is now doing fall roadside spraying. They plan to spray most of Highway 36 soon. You may reach District 5 offices at 744-8080 or call their automated information line at (888) 996-8080 for more information. Continue reading 

Lane County Area Spray Schedule 10-3-13

• Giustina Land and Timber, 345-2301, plans to hire Western helicopter Services, Inc., (503) 538-9469, to aerially spray 44 acres in Township 21S, Range 05W, Sections 16 and 21 with Glyphosate, Imazapyr, Sulfometuron Methyl and/or Triclopyr. See ODF notification 2013-730-01153 for more information. • ODOT is now doing fall roadside spraying. They plan to spray most of Highway 36 soon. You may reach District 5 offices at 744-8080 or call their automated information line at (888) 996-8080 for more information. Continue reading 

Reuben off!

There are a lot of businesses around Eugene that claim to have “The Best Reuben in Town.” The sandwich itself is iconic across the country: Rye bread loaded with either pastrami or corned beef, topped with sauerkraut and either Thousand Island dressing or Russian dressing. We decided that it would be fitting to find out who, if anyone, deserved the title for “the best.” Many Reubens were eaten. Lengthy discussions were held. Criteria changed and evolved to account for creativity and tradition. Continue reading 

Seoul Food

The biggest mistake one could make when eating at downtown Eugene’s Noodle Bowl is to order a noodle bowl. It’s a delicious dish but a safe Americanized choice as EW’s Best of Eugene Korean gem. “When the people come, if they want to try Korean food, I want them to ask the servers and get a recommendation rather than just getting a noodle bowl,” says Jae Lee, server and son of owner Sue Lee.  Continue reading