Blatantly Self-Congratulatory Blog Post Alert!

We try to be modest, but sometimes we just gotta toot our own horns. And that’s OK. Or at least it’s inevitable. Anyway, the point is, the Oregon and Washington Society of Professional Journalists held their annual awards banquet on Saturday, and we picked up a handful of awards, including two first-place nods for arts coverage. The honored stories are linked below. In the category for non-daily print publications with a circulation greater than 8,000: Continue reading 

Once More, with Spoilers (and Nitpicking): ‘Star Trek’

Let me gush a second: I pretty much loved Star Trek. It did a lot of things right, and it looked gorgeous, especially to eyes disappointed by the terrible effects in X-Men Origins: Wolverine. I loved Karl Urban as Dr. McCoy the best of all, but John Cho is a respectable Sulu, Sylar Zachary Quinto a perfect Spock (I really only thought of Sylar once, when he glares at the council) and Zoë Saldana a whip-smart Uhura. The bad guy was a little stock, but the time-split really thing works for me. Continue reading 

Zenon Watch! Update

Be patient just a little bit longer, Zenon fans. We learned — just a little too late to squeeze it into this week’s paper — that the new Café Zenon will open next Friday, May 22 (not May 15, as was previously their hope). Owner Ibrahim Hamide says he and his staff “would have been panting and sweating” if they opened May 15. “We didn’t want to present the first impression that way,” he says. Continue reading 

Buy Indie Day

May 1, I hear, is Buy Indie Day. The idea, as described at Indiebound, is simple: “Buy one book — paperback, hardcover, audiobook, whatever you want! — at an independent bookstore near you.” (Those of you on Facebook can check out the movement’s Facebook page, too.) Continue reading