Blatantly Self-Congratulatory Blog Post Alert!

We try to be modest, but sometimes we just gotta toot our own horns. And that’s OK. Or at least it’s inevitable. Anyway, the point is, the Oregon and Washington Society of Professional Journalists held their annual awards banquet on Saturday, and we picked up a handful of awards, including two first-place nods for arts coverage. The honored stories are linked below.

In the category for non-daily print publications with a circulation greater than 8,000:

Third place, environmental reporting
“One Good Tern Deserves an Island” by Camilla Mortensen

Second place, consumer, food, lifestyle, home
“Much More Than a Mimosa” by Molly Templeton.
(This one’s a PDF of the entire Uncorked issue — sorry! Some scrolling is required.)

First place, arts and criticism
“Forging Ahead” by Jason Blair

Second place, arts and criticism
“Operation Sharing Their Truth” by Suzi Steffen

In the category for alternative newsweeklies in region 10:

Second place, government
“Blind Oversight” by Alan Pittman

Second place, consumer/environmental affairs
“One Good Tern Deserves an Island” by Camilla Mortensen

First place, arts
“Buddhist Visions” by Suzi Steffen

Third place, special sections
“Water Day” by EW staff, edited by Suzi Steffen

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