Author: Molly Templeton
Tift Merritt Q&A
As promised, here’s Jason Blair’s Q&A with Tift Merritt. A lot has been written about your voice. When were you first aware of your own voice? The first time I remember being aware of my own voice was when I had my first apartment. I would sing all the time and play music in the middle of the night and my neighbors would bang on the wall, telling me to be quiet. And I thought, I didn’t realize I was singing that loud… Continue reading
Best of Eugene: It’s the final countdown!
… if I could figure out how to type out the melody of “The Final Countdown,” I would. But I can’t, so I’ll spare you. ANYWAY, you have approximately seven hours left in which to vote for the Best of Eugene. And we want your ballots. Yes, yours — and yours, and yours, and that guy over there’s. Remember, kids, if you don’t vote, you don’t get to complain about the direction our country’s heading. Er, I mean, the businesses which take home the magical sparkly winners’ certificates. Continue reading
Eugene Celebration: And Now For Something Completely Different
Photo by Todd Cooper Continue reading
Awards Season: Book Version
Goodness. First it’s the Oregon Book Awards, then it’s the Booker Prize. Shortlists for both arrived today; in the words of Bookslut, “Tonight, fans of world literature symbolically lock Salman Rushdie back in a closet and inwardly dread the prospect of working through 5,000 pages of something called ‘The Northern Clemency’.” Continue reading
‘Sarah Connor Chronicles’ 2.1: “Samson & Delilah”
Blogging as it goes. I’ll try to turn this into something a bit more coherent in the morning! Last season, I loved this show. This season, 24 minutes into the premiere, I’m not impressed. It’s trying too hard to be exciting; it’s gone the predicable place already; it’s become less plausible than ever before. Two humans aren’t going to escape a Terminator. Not without help. I’m already frustrated. And trying to write without spoilers, since I can’t remember how to do a jump at the moment. Continue reading
MFNW Saturday: Sweaty, Tired, Happy
And now it’s Monday. Isn’t it? I feel a little discombobulated. I’m pretty sure it’s Monday, and I’m tired, and I keep babbling incoherently to anyone who’ll listen about how much fun MFNW was. Seriously. Babble, babble, ramble, meander. Continue reading
MFNW Friday: In Which Bar Lines Are Long
So I got a little behind. Forgive me. Let me shift into present tense so I can pretend I’m not writing two days late. Continue reading
MusicfestNW Thursday: MY EARS, MY EARS
Honestly? I didn’t think my first night at MusicfestNW would involve staying out until after one in the morning, allowing my ears to be totally fucking battered, but lo, it did, and it was a little bit awesome. I did stay at Holocene all night, true, but I knew Calendar Editor Chuck Adams was out and about — I’m sure he’ll check in later about Battles and M. Ward — and, well, see, it’s more fun to have someone to talk shit with at shows, and the only other person I knew who’d be out last night was at Holocene. Continue reading
Things What Are Nifty
I have a tendency to avoid blogging things if I think everyone’s already seen them. Sometimes I’m totally wrong, like with that damn fonts video I sent to Chuck a month or so ago. It was only kinda funny then, and now that it’s making the rounds, it’s getting annoying. But these two things are still cool! I swear! 1. Yeltsin video for “We Will Become a Factory” Continue reading