Summertime Brews
Shandies And Radlers For The Fizzy, Fruity Beer Drinker

Maybe my taste, or lack of it, for beer was ruined back when I was a toddler and my dad used to let me slurp … Continue reading
We've got issues.
Maybe my taste, or lack of it, for beer was ruined back when I was a toddler and my dad used to let me slurp … Continue reading
Rogue Ales recently sent Eugene Weekly a press release about its new, slightly strange-sounding beer, Kulture Clash — a combination of beer and kombucha. On … Continue reading
Like a lot of other people, I often scout the shore while walking on the beach looking for just the right shell to take home, … Continue reading
As recreational marijuana becomes legal, some beer consumers may look elsewhere for their mind-altering substance of choice. With legal cannabis rolling out this summer in … Continue reading
Wine, at the root, is a food, and vintners are the ones who process it. Each product is naturally subject to variance depending on the … Continue reading
Canned wine is growing in popularity. Some might welcome this development as a populist insurgency countering wine culture’s more elitist tendencies. For others, it may seem … Continue reading
When you think of going on a wine run, the last thing you might consider doing is throwing on your sneakers. But some races in … Continue reading
Wine is now as Oregonian as trees, rain and hiking. It’s as much a part of our geographic identity as it is our cultural one. … Continue reading
In no other state is weather as worthy a conversation piece as Oregon. Our deceptive pre-spring warm spell, which happens every year, brought out crocuses … Continue reading
Gabrielle Jesus exudes all the warmth, humor and bonhomie a person could want in a bartender. Stationed behind the counter in the cozy confines of … Continue reading