Welcome to ShelterCare!

ShelterCare provides compassionate housing and behavioral health services for individuals and families wanting a safe and stable home in our community.

Our programs include:

– Housing Services for Families helping families with children avoid and overcome homelessness

– Permanent Supported Housing providing specialized housing and support services to adults living with mental illness

– Behavioral Health Services supporting adults on their journey towards recovery, stability, and independence

– Short Term Housing providing those experiencing chronic homelessness with emergency and transitional shelter as they recover from medical and mental health challenges

– Birch diverting individuals with serious mental health needs from jails and Oregon State Hospital

In 2021-2022, we helped… 1,813 people in Lane County move forward on their journey toward housing stability and independence.

Related content:

ShelterCare’s 2022 Agents for Change

A ShelterCare Birch program success story

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