Everyone Must Be On Campus

It took us a minute to realize why it was so empty everywhere. The Safeway parking lot, the streets, Brails … oh, wait! Everyone must be on campus. Right? We thought about biking down there, but that would have meant forgoing our delicious containers of leftovers (bi bim bob for him, pork bulgogi for me), and that simply wasn’t an option. We’d wolfed down all the side dishes — how I love small pickled/fermented things — but each Brails entrée was definitely enough for two meals. And they serve beer and wine with dinner! As if you needed more reasons to eat there. (Though the mellow evening hours are quite a change from the long lines on weekends — not that lines will ever keep me away from a plate of hash browns and bacon.)

It’s quiet in Eugene tonight. At least so far. At least around Willamette Street. I hear the Lakers game is good. How was Obama? Report in, folks!

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