Did anyone else have a sort of dropped-jaw response to this slightly bizarre (and, alas, not in the funny-ha-ha way) SNL skit this weekend?
Sure, Lautner’s expressions are … OK, the kid can be funny. (His Jacob Black is one of the better things about the bland, forgettable New Moon.) I have to give him credit for being such a willing goof; it stands in amusing contrast to the usual image of Lautner (half-naked, displaying absolutely unreal abs, being drooled over by people twice his age). But the skit ever-so-slightly boggles the mind.
Nice touch calling the backup backup quarterback “Phil,” I suppose.
Did you laugh? Did you wonder why it was Oregon and not, y’know, that other team? Or how anyone managed to mock the Ducks on national TV without even mentioning the godawful uniforms?
Update 12/15: A friend sent a link to a video from another NBC show that sort of suggests perhaps SNL is getting a touch lazy:
(If only the UO video had had the HD camera gag, though. Oh, lost possibility.)
Update, again: The second video, a scene from 30 Rock, is presently unavailable on Hulu, but I’ll leave the link in case it comes back.