Eugene Weekly : Coverstory : 4.16.2009


Earth Day 2009

Carpets of Wildflowers, Canopy of Oaks Restoring native plants across the city

At Home with Native Plants Garden tour on Mother’s Day

The Camas Among Us A common spring flower invokes Kalapuya heritage

Students, Volunteers and the Land Seven years of restoration efforts with Walama

Livin’ Green, Even in Winter Nature, raw and processed


Just Say No to the Butterfly Bush

In the Nesting issue on March 26, I wrote that the butterfly bush was a good bush to attract butterflies. True, but it didn’t take too long for the corrections to roll in. Kyle Spinks of the Tualatin Hills Parks and Rec Department (they read the EW?) wrote to say that the butterfly bush is on the Oregon State Noxious Weed list. He added, “The primary reason is due to its ability to easily self-seed, especially in disturbed soils, such as along streams and roadways.” Other plants he suggested in its place: 

Fireweed (Chamerion angustifolium): Herb up to 7’ tall with numerous pinkish-lavender flowers per spike.  Good in sunny sites, but may spread.

Meadow sidalcea (Sidalcea campestris): Herb up to 3’ tall with lavender flowers.  Good in wetter meadows.

Douglas spirea (Spiraea douglasii): Shrub up to 7’ tall with dense pinkish flower spikes.  Good in wetter to moderately dry sites.

Orange/trumpet honeysuckle (Lonicera ciliosa): Vine with clusters of trumpet-shaped flowers.  Not aggressive and likes shade.  Does well on an arbor.

Mockorange (Philadelphus lewisii): Shrub up to 10’ tall with single, large white flowers.  Nice aroma and does well in partly shady upland sites.

He also suggested contacting the Xerces Society in Portland for more info. That nonprofit’s website is and you can contact them at 503-232-6639. Thanks to Spinks and all who called! —Suzi Steffen