Eugene Weekly : Feature : 3.10.11

Step softly and leave a light footprint

Digging in your garden, getting dug into your new digs or re-envisioning your old accommodations? Now that the holiday lights are downû(for most of us anyway), its time to step back, look at your house, apartment, manufactured home, trailer, whatever it is in which you abide, and think about what you can do to make your place a little homier or your garden a little more productive.

Homes and gardens in the age of green living arent about using land and water for expensive, sprawling new homes; theyre about making the old new again, building up, not out, and using natural resources for local food production and wildlife, not for lawns.

øI have spread my dreams under your feet;

Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.”

When William Butler Yeats wrote those lines one hundred years ago, he was writing about love. Loving your land and loving your home is about treading softly as well, so dig in, step softly and make your house and garden a light footprint on the land. ‹ Camilla Mortensen


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