Eugene Weekly : Views : 2.8.07

Unda the Rotunda:
On a Roll
Some lofty goals for the Legislature
By Sen. Vicki Walker

The 2007 Legislative Session is not your father’s Oldsmobile. Democrats, in control of both chambers and the governor’s office for the first time in 16 years, are in charge and taking no prisoners. Like our national counterparts, Oregon’s Democrats believe that we have been given a golden opportunity to reinvest in the people of our state and our nation. Look out Bill Sizemore, Lon Mabon, Kevin Mannix, Taxpayers United and George W. Bush. [Read More]


Global Gagging
Bush carries on an absurd and destructive policy

Thirty-four years after the U.S. Supreme Court’s landmark Roe v. Wade ruling, which legalized abortion nationwide, Planned Parenthood is gathering supporters to celebrate and reflect on what this important ruling means to women around the country. But we also want this anniversary to remind everyone that not all women around the world are afforded the reproductive care they deserve. [Read More]