Silence on Global Warming

Regarding last night’s presidential candidates debate, Daphne Wysham, a fellow at the Institute for Policy Studies and co-director of the Sustainable Energy and Economy Network, said today: “The Arctic is melting to record lows, extreme weather is increasing, grain reserves are at record lows threatening millions with hunger should there be another bad grain harvest next year, but there was NO mention of climate change in the presidential debates. It was just who could shout ‘drill, baby, drill!’ the loudest, with President Obama throwing in a token reference to solar and wind.

“On the surface, the candidates appear to hold different positions on climate change: Obama has insisted that ‘climate change is not a hoax,’ while Romney has mocked the president’s promises ‘to slow the rise of the oceans and heal the planet.’ Yet both candidates have made clear — either in coded language or in outright support — that they will allow the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline from Canada to the U.S. to proceed with little impediment, ignoring warnings from NASA’s top climate scientist, Dr. James Hansen, that if the Canadian tar sands are fully exploited, ‘it is game over for Earth’s climate.'”

See “Six Global Issues The Foreign Policy Debates Won’t Touch,” at

Thanks to David Zupan and the Institute for Public Accuracy for this quote. See

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