Brubeck Passes, Fleetwood Mac reunites (again) and other music news

Legendary jazz pianist Dave Brubeck has passed, just shy of his 92nd birthday. Bruebeck wrote such jazz standards like “Take Five” and “The Duke.” The Dave Brubeck Quartet played at the UO in 1957 for the Erb Memorial Union’s “Jazz a la Carte” series and Brubeck performed at the Hult Center in 2008 (pictured above).

On a brighter note, Fleetwood Mac is reuniting for a 34-city tour kicking off in April, their first tour since … 2009. In preparation for the tour, Stevie Nicks, guitarist Lindsey Buckingham, drummer Mick Fleetwood and bassist John McVie crafted two new songs in 2012, “Sad Angela” and “Miss Fantasy.” They are also pulling out an old tune that was never recorded. Unfortunately the tour only gets as close as Tacoma. Check out the recent Q&A Rolling Stone did with Nicks and Buckingham. Stevie Nicks says they are still the drama queens (and kings) they always were:

“We’re dramatic. Lindsey and I will always be dramatic. When you were almost married for seven years, and then you’ve been in a band for 30 years, it’s never not going to be dramatic. We are who are are and we were dramatic kids going together. That never really goes away.”

Meanwhile, Jimmy Fallon feels that the ubiquitous “All I Want for Christmas Is You” is not getting enough play, so he enlisted the help of The Roots, some cute kids and Mariah Carey to remake the song with toy instruments:

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