Red Agave’s Last Night

Red Agave is closing, and the last night to grab their grub is tomorrow, Dec. 8. From their press release:

This Saturday night will be Red Agave’s last.  We wish it weren’t so…but alas here we are. 
There are three nights left to savor your favorites from the kitchen and the bar. 
(Unless, you’re looking for private party in the weeks to come, in which case you should call the restaurant, immediately)
We’ll have the regular menu plus some specials.
We’ll also be selling off our wine cellar (only on Saturday) at retail prices.   
We hope to see all of you who we’ve had the pleasure of serving over the years.
If you can’t make it in, you’ll be missed. 
So with a tear in my eye, a whole in my wallet & fond memories of the last 10 years,
We bid you gracias & good luck.

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