Lane County Area Spray Schedule

Rosboro LLC, 746-8411, now plans to spray a total of 900 acres on its forest roadsides throughout Lane County with Garlon 4 and Glyphosate. See ODF notices 2013-781-00324 and 2013-771-00333.

Giustina, 345-2301, plans to hire Northwest Reforestation, 554-0489, to ground spray Atrazine, Clopyralid, Hexazinone, Sulfometuron Methyl and/or Triclopyr Ester on a total of 219 acres near Preacher, Camas Swale, Coyote, Hawley and Doak creeks, also on 57 acres near Little Sand Creek. See ODF notices 2013-781-00321 and 2013-730-00485.

Roseburg Resources Co., 935-2507, plans to spray its roadsides throughout Lane County with Aminopyralid, Clopyralid, Glyphosate, Imazapyr, Metsulfuron Methyl, Sulfometuron Methyl, Triclopyr Amine, Triclopyr Ester and additives Non-Ionic Surfactant and Oil Surfactant. See ODF notice 2013-781-00359.

ODOT has begun spring spraying. Call Tony Kilmer at ODOT District 5 (Lane County area) at 744-8080 or call (888) 996-8080 for herbicide application information. 

Compiled by Jan Wroncy, Forestland Dwellers: 342-8332,

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