Oregon Bach Festival schedule & highlights!

Here’s a quick overview of major Oregon Bach Festival concerts this summer at UO’s Beall Concert Hall, the Central Lutheran Church and the Hult Center’s Silva Concert Hall and Soreng Theater. The festival boasts many other performances, films, talks, master classes and other events; check oregonbachfestival.com for complete event listings.

Chee Yun joins Pianist Jeffrey Kahane Monday, 7/8, for a Beethoven piano concerto and a Mozart violin concerto at Silva
Ya-Fei Chuang joins pianist Robert Levin Wednesday, 7/3, to play transcriptions of Wagner-influenced music at Beall
Matthew Halls leads the OBF orchestra and singer Tamara Wilson on Tuesday, 7/2, in excerpts from operas by Britten, Wagner, Verdi and more at Silva

Friday, 6/28

Missa Solemnis

Many historians regard Beethoven’s choral orchestral masterpiece as the equal of his symphonies in power and scope. Silva, $15-$49.

Sunday, 6/30

Bach’s Circle

The LA-based ensemble, led by the superb oboist and Bach Fest vet Alan Vogel, plays a wide range of Baroque music by their namesake, Couperin, Vivaldi and Fasch. Beall, $15-$49.

7/1, 7/3, 7/5, 7/8 Lectures

7/10 Performance

Discovery Series

Rilling’s acclaimed lecture demonstrations featuring festival participants are devoted to J.S. Bach’s great St. John Passion this year, culminating in a July 10 performance of this controversial choral-orchestral masterpiece at Beall. Lectures: Soreng, $10/$17; performance: Beall, sold out.

Monday, 7/1

Anniversary Soirée

Four fine vocal soloists, including Nicholas Phan, join some OBF musicians, Robert Levin and more in music by Poulenc, Britten and others. Beall, $15-$49.

Tuesday, 7/2

A Night at the Opera

For listeners who want to venture beyond Bach and Baroque, Matthew Halls leads the OBF orchestra and singer Tamara Wilson in excerpts from operas by Britten, Wagner, Verdi and more. Silva, $15-$49.

Wednesday, 7/3

Verdi & Wagner Transcribed

In this bicentenary tribute to one of history’s most controversial and important composer-pianists, Ya-Fei Chuang and Robert Levin (the latter also one of classical music’s expert explainers) play transcriptions of Wagner-influenced music originally written for larger forces by Faure, Chabrier, Liszt and Verdi, along with Wagner himself. Beall, $15-$49.

Friday, 7/5

Paul Jacobs

In this recital, the great organist plays some of Bach’s most essential music. Central Lutheran Church, $21 adv., $28 door.

Saturday, 7/6

Passing of the Baton

OBF founder Helmuth Rilling and his successor, Matthew Halls, conduct the orchestra and vocal soloists in music by Brahms and Mendelssohn. Silva, $15-$62.

Monday, 7/8

Jeffrey Kahane & Chee-Yun

The orchestra plays one of Haydn’s great London symphonies, and the veteran OBF piano star and acclaimed violinist join the orchestra for a Beethoven piano concerto and a Mozart violin concerto. Silva, $15-$62.

Thursday, 7/11

Jeffrey Kahane

In this solo recital, the superb pianist plays Chopin, Schumann and music by his son, the indie classical composer-songwriter Gabriel Kahane. Plus Bach, of course. Beall, $15-$49.

Friday, 7/12

Portland Baroque Orchestra

Maybe the top recommendation of the festival, this superb concert features Halls on harpsichord and one of the nation’s top period instrument orchestras — really an assemblage of all stars who live all around the country — playing a terrific all-Bach program of concertos, an orchestral suite and more, in the manner closest to the way the composer intended. Beall, $15-$49.

Saturday, 7/13

Hohenstaufen Quartet

Rilling’s daughters comprise half the lineup, which will play two of the most popular Romantic era string quartets: Schubert’s “Rosamunda” and Dvorak’s “American.” Beall, $15-$49.

Sunday, 7/14

Bach B Minor Mass

The festival and Rilling’s career as music director conclude with perhaps the greatest work written by history’s greatest composer, led by maybe its most experienced interpreter, Rilling. Silva, $15-$62.

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