Oregonian changes and layoffs

The Oregonian has announced it’s changing its delivery schedule for its print additions, laying off employees — among the layoffs are environment reporters Scott Learn and Eric Mortenson, (no relation to me,) Willamette Week reports). WW also reports that The O has decided NOT to call its online version TheDigitalO after all. Nope that’s not a joke, nor is the fact that editors are now apparently being called “managing producers.”

The O is owned by Advance, which has been roundly criticized for its attempt to go to a three-day-a-week print schedule in New Orleans.

Former Oregonian reporter and current Oregon Emerald publisher (who moved that college daily to an online focus and a reduced print schedule) Ryan Frank raised $3,500 for a bar tab for The O’s staff at Higgins, a bar across the street from the paper, Romenesko reports. Donations can be made at oregonianfund.com. After tonight Franks says the money will go to supporting families of those laid off.

Willamette Week is updating the layoffs on its blog.

Let’s all support our local papers (and yes, that means the R-G, too) and make sure this doesn’t happen in Eugene. We need good, local news coverage!

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