War Dead 7-3-2013

In Afghanistan

• 2,241 U.S. troops killed (2,238 last week)

• 18,851 U.S. troops wounded in action (18,795)

• 1,353 U.S. contractors killed (1,353)

• 16,179 civilians killed (updates NA)

• $638.9 billion cost of war ($637.4 billion)

• $191.7 million cost to Eugene taxpayers ($191.2 million)

In Iraq

The war officially ended December 2011 with a total of 4,422 U.S. troops killed, 31,930 wounded in action and undisclosed hundreds of U.S. military suicides. But U.S. contractors have assumed a larger role, high levels of U.S. spending continue, and the body count from civil unrest grows.

• 4,422 U.S. troops killed, 31,926 wounded

• 1,594 U.S. contractors killed (1,594)

• 123,923 to 1.2 million civilians killed* (123,900)

• $813.4 billion cost of war ($813 billion) 

• $244 million cost to Eugene taxpayers ($244 million)

Through July 1, 2013; sources: icasualties.org; defense.gov, U.S. Dept. of Labor (contractor deaths updated occasionally)

* highest estimate; source: iraqbodycount.org; based on confirmed media reports; other groups calculate Iraqi civilian deaths as high as 655,000 (Lancet survey, 2006) to 1.2 million (Opinion Research Business survey, 2008). Afghan civilian deaths from guardian.co.uk tallied monthly.

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