Sunday Streets Begin This Weekend

Eugene Sunday Streets, the annual street shutdown that celebrates walking, biking and community, is back for two more rounds. On Sunday, July 21, downtown stretches of 8th and 10th avenues and Broadway between Pearl and Almaden will be closed to automobiles while the residents use the public space to build community and try out walking and biking in a safe environment. A second event will be held in the Bethel area in September.

One result of the downtown location is that they’re partnering with businesses to expand the activities available for grown-ups. “We always try to make it family friendly, but this year because it’s downtown, we are able to offer a lot more adult-centered options,” Lindsay Selser, the city’s transportation options coordinator, says.

Selser says this year’s event will include a couple of free classes at pilates-yoga-ballet studio b

arre3 and 10-minute lessons at the Best Martial Arts Institute. The event will also host its first beer garden in Kesey Square. A full schedule, route details and where to park for free are at

Dark30 Sports is partnering with the city to host a criterium bike race and an elite mile running race in the downtown core. A small route on Oak, 8th, Lawrence, 10th, Lincoln and Broadway will close from 7 to 11:30 am, and a larger route from the Park Blocks to Monroe Park will close from 11:30 am to 4 pm. Cars that need to cut through will be able to use controlled access points at Pearl, Washington, Jefferson and Monroe.

Selser says holding the event downtown is cutting edge. “It requires a lot of traffic control and a lot of outreach with our local businesses to make sure that it’s successful,” she says. “An event downtown is a lot of work, but it’s going to be worth it 10 times over.”

Selser says the Sunday Streets team is proud to have raised more than $15,000 in sponsorships from a growing pool of supporters. “The best part is that it’s all free — except for the beer.”

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