It appears that the city of Eugene has completed its annual review of stormwater monitoring from the 76 local facilities that discharge industrial stormwater to local waterways pursuant to the statewide Clean Water Act industrial stormwater permit. The city oversees compliance at these facilities under an agreement with the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). The city recently sent “request for corrective action” letters to Bulk Handling Systems (suspended solids), Schnitzer Steel Industries (suspended solids, oil and grease, and copper) and Western Structures (zinc) for failing to submit required plans addressing elevated pollution levels in discharges. The city also sent request for corrective action letters to the following six facilities for failure to conduct required four-times-a-year monitoring during the 2012-13 monitoring period (which runs from July 1 to June 30): Al’s Sheet Metal, Armur Coatings, Architectural Millwork Mfg. Company, Farwest Steel Fabrication Company, Newood Display Fixtures and Ninkasi Brewing Company.