New Medical Marijuana Facility In Eugene

Regulations from recent legislation, HB 3460, are still being written, but a new medical marijuana facility is already open in Eugene. The law directs the Oregon Health Authority to establish a registration system for medical marijuana facilities. Emerald City Medicinal Delivery Service is accepting excess cannabis from Oregon Medical Marijuana Program (OMMP) licensed growers on consignment and dispensing it at its facility or delivering it to OMMP patients. It also conducts educational outreach for senior care homes.

Owner David Guy Evans, a former attorney and current OMMP patient, says his work and health struggles make him feel uniquely qualified to navigate the legal waters while helping other patients. “I had the experience of being a cannabis patient, and at the same time I thought that I could comply with the terms of 3460 to create a safe, reliable place that people could come and find the medicine that they need and experiment to find the best treatment modalities for them,” he says.

When patients contact Emerald City, a consultant can visit them in their homes or at the business for a free explanation of what the program offers. If they sign up for membership, Emerald City then works with patients to help match their symptoms with the cannabis strains and treatment types that work best for them. Emerald City offers regular marijuana, medibles (edible pot), concentrates and topical treatments.

Evans says that as soon as he can find a local lab that can work with him, Emerald City will begin testing its cannabis for pesticides and mold. He says this is very important for patients who have been getting their marijuana on the black market. “Our patients have chemical sensitivities and depressed immune systems, so they can’t have anything like that in their medicine,” he says.

To avoid legal trouble, Evans says he’s contacted the police and the mayor’s office to explain Emerald City’s goals and Evans’ intention to comply with regulations as they’re developed. HB 3460 declared a health emergency because patients who were sick and not connected to people who know how to grow were having trouble accessing medicine, so the law went into effect immediately upon being signed by the governor.

A spokesperson for the Eugene Police Department says that since HB 3460 is a new law and details are forthcoming, EPD doesn’t have an official position or policy. A spokesperson for the city says that medical marijuana facilities aren’t on any city agendas, and the city will probably also wait until the Oregon Health Authority finishes its regulations if it decides to make any OMMP-related policies.

Emerald City Medicinal Delivery Service is located at 1474 W. 6th Ave., phone 505-9065, delivery 870-3970. — Shannon Finnell

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