Sweet Potato Moves Next to Sweet Life

Does 11th and Willamette feel like it’s missing something? Maybe that’s because Sweet Potato Pie has moved to the Whiteaker.

Sweet Potato Pie has been selling clothes, hemp products and local glass art for the last 16 years. After being given a 60-day notice on her lease, owner Elizabeth Thompson immediately set her sights on her new location at 775 Monroe St., near Sweet Life Patisserie.

The space was in high demand and already had two competitive offers, but Thompson secured the new space for the store on Oct. 30, just a day before the lease on the 11th Avenue location was ending. The store reopened in its new location on Nov. 5. Thompson is looking to rent out the commercial space upstairs from the Pie.

Thompson says the move was made easy by “the warm reception we’re receiving from the neighborhood and the excitement that we’re feeling in our new space.”

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