Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) sent Pacific Recycling, Inc. a pre-enforcement notice on Nov. 27 for multiple hazardous waste law violations at its facility on Cross Street in Eugene (off Roosevelt Boulevard). According to DEQ documents, Pacific Recycling recently acquired land on which J.H. Baxter used to do wood treatment, resulting in contamination from “arsenical compounds and creosote formulations.” Pacific Recycling illegally failed to perform a hazardous waste determination on 874 tons of contaminated soil generated from construction activities on the recently acquired land and illegally sent it to Coffin Butte Landfill in Benton County and Short Mountain Landfill in Lane County. DEQ sent warning letters to Verne Egge of Coburg Road Quarry, LLC and to Eugene Sand and Gravel on Dec. 31 for illegally accepting and transporting 12 loads and 18 loads, respectively, of this hazardous waste without required manifests. DEQ gave Pacific Recycling until Dec. 16 to respond to the pre-enforcement notice, and Pacific Recycling failed to do so.