Press release of the day goes to DOGAMI, for cheerfully mixing spring break with earthquake and tusnami advice. Don’t just get ready for a trip this spring break, get ready for disaster!
News Release from Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries
OREGON – Exploring Oregon during spring break? Take time to plan for an earthquake or tsunami before setting off on your adventure.
“A Cascadia Subduction Zone earthquake could happen anytime – even during vacations,” says State Geologist Vicki S. McConnell. “Plan now to be ready no matter where you are.”
March is Earthquake and Tsunami Awareness Month in Oregon, and also marks the anniversaries of two eye-opening disasters for the state: the March 11, 2011 Tohoku, Japan earthquake and tsunami and the March 27, 1964 Alaska earthquake and tsunami.
“Oregon’s tectonic setting is a mirror image of Japan’s,” says Yumei Wang, Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries (DOGAMI) geotechnical engineer. “The Tohoku earthquake and tsunami showed us how destructive a Cascadia earthquake and tsunami could be, and emphasized the need to prepare.”
Preparing for a major Cascadia earthquake also gets Oregonians ready for other types of earthquakes. The most damaging Oregon earthquakes of the past century, the magnitude 6.0 and 5.9 Klamath Falls earthquakes and magnitude 5.6 Scotts Mills earthquake, were caused by shallow crustal faults.
The Oregon Coast: A Cascadia earthquake will generate a tsunami, so know where high ground is and how to get there. The Oregon Tsunami Clearinghouse,, is a one-stop resource for all essentials, including evacuation brochures, evacuation route maps, and preparedness kit checklists.
A city: If you’re outside, move to an open area. Glass, bricks and other debris may fall from buildings, and utility poles and wires, signs, and street lights may topple. If you’re inside, “drop, cover and hold on” under a study table or desk, and don’t go outside until the shaking stops.
The mountains: During an earthquake, move away from cliffs and steep slopes where debris may fall, or a landslide may occur. Be alert for falling rocks and trees.
Road trip: If you’re driving when an earthquake hits, stop the car away from buildings, bridges, overpasses, trees and utility lines. Put your parking brake on, and stay in the car until the shaking is over.
– Create a travel version of your emergency plan. Identify an out-of-state relative to check in with during a disaster. (Be sure to choose someone who’s not traveling at the same time.) Pick a safe meeting place at your destination – consult evacuation brochures and local maps – and make a plan for reuniting after a disaster. “Having a conversation about who you’ll call and where you’ll meet is an easy step that’s so important,” says McConnell. “Discuss as you’re packing, or when you’re all in the car together.”
– Build an emergency kit for your car. Include necessities such as bottled water, high-calorie snacks, first aid kit, flashlight, road maps, emergency contact list and emergency cash. Checklists for car, home and personal kits are available at