Lane County Area Spray Schedule 4-3-14

• Weyerhaeuser, 744-4600, plans to backpack spray 8 acres near Norris Creek with Velpar L, Velpar DF, Transline and/or Forestry Garlon XRT with additives methylated seed oil and/or non-ionic surfactant. See ODF notice 2014-781-00306, call Stewardship Forester Brian Peterson at 935-2283 with questions.

• Union Pacific Railroad has notified the city of Eugene that in mid-March it began spraying their tracks in the Eugene area. The spray pattern is 24-feet wide, 12 feet on each side of the center of their tracks. Chemicals used include Accord XRP, Activator 90, Oust XP and Perspective. The spraying will continue for the next few weeks. Call Jan Bohman, 682-5587, for more information. Compiled by

an Wroncy and Gary Hale, Forestland Dwellers: 342-8332,

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