Lane County Area Spray Schedule 4-10-14

Swanson Brothers Lumber Company Inc., 935-2231, plans to hire Nick’s Timber Services, Inc., (503) 876-8220, to spray 38 acres near the headwaters of the Long Tom River with Clopyralid, Glyphosate, Hexazinone, anti-foam and dye. See ODF notice 2014-781-00333, call Stewardship Forester Robin L. Biesecker at 935-2283 with questions.

M Three Timber Company, LLC, 767-3785, plans to spot spray 65 acres near Silk Creek and tributaries of Silk, Muslin and Bennett creeks with Westar, Velpar L and Transline. See ODF notice 2014-781-00326, call Stewardship Forester Brian Peterson at 935-2283 with questions.

Compiled by Jan Wroncy and Gary Hale, Forestland Dwellers: 342-8332,

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