Arts Hound

Graphic art renegades Blunt Graffix host Gojira, a group art show featuring the work of dozens of printmasters such as Tim Doyle, Anna Witt and Print Mafia. “Gojira” is Japanese for Godzilla, so look for spewing flames and paths of destruction at the opening reception 7 pm Friday, April 18, at Blunt Graffix’s studio, 1040 Tyinn St., No. 3; live music provided by Godzilla vs. Battlesnake and the Mothras. Need more time to inspect all the two-tone scales on Zilla’s tail? Blunt Graffix hosts an open studio noon to 6 pm Saturday, April 19.

In Eugene, there can never be too many film festivals. While the UO’s Cinema Pacific takes over campus, Bijou Art Cinemas and parts of Portland (see “Touchy-Feely Cinema” next issue), the Banff Mountain Film Festival hits the McDonald Theatre 7 pm Thursday, April 17, and Friday, April 18. From a hunt in the Mexican jungle for the perfect waterfall (“Cascada”) to a profile of 90-year-old Himalayan expedition chronicler Elizabeth Hawley (“Keeper of the Mountains”), this year’s collection of short films will get your heart pumping as well as touch your heart. Visit for details.

The Downtown Initiative for the Visual Arts’ (DIVA) last day at 280 W. Broadway was Monday, April 14. It is hosting a “garage sale” 10 am to 4 pm Saturday, April 19, at Olive Street Garage (in the alley between Olive and Charnelton) with office furniture, cabinets and art supplies for sale. Outgoing DIVA President Miriam Alexis Jordan writes, “Proceeds will go towards the campaign to partner and collaborate with developers who would want to create, build and partner in managing a downtown visual arts center.”

The state of Oregon announced its Oregon Heritage award winners this week. The Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs take home an award for their work on the Warm Springs Audio Preservation Project with the UO, while the Cottage Grove Preservation Plan Advisory Committee nabbed a spot for “its innovative community partnership that created a historic preservation plan to enhance heritage throughout the city.”

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