Dental student burglarized

This just in from White Bird in Eugene:

Fourth year dental student Julia Allen from Arizona University of Oral Medicine in Tempe Arizona was surprised to find her rental apartment burglarized over the weekend. “I opened the door and everything was taken out of the drawers and closets and thrown all over.” Allen works as a volunteer at White Bird Dental Clinic providing dental treatment to low income patients and had gone on a day trip to the Oregon Coast.

The apartment is provided by White Bird Dental for the students during their rotations of public health dental clinics. The program allows White Bird to see patients at a reduced cost and allows the students to explore a city for a possible future dental practice.

Clinic manager Kim Freuen says the biggest loss was Allen’s dental loupes. The loupes are headbands with magnifying lenses and lighting, custom fit to each person and cost $4,000. She will be taking the test for her dental license soon. Part of the test is proficiency of working on patients which will be difficult without the dental loops.

White Bird is asking the public to help find the dental loupes. If you have any information please call White Bird Dental at 344-8302.

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