Lane County Area Spray Schedule 5-22-14

ODOT is currently spraying roadsides. Call Tony Kilmer at ODOT District 5 at 744-8080 or call (888) 996-8080 for herbicide application information. Highways I-5, 36, 58, 99, 101, 105, 126 and Beltline were sprayed recently.

• Rosboro LLC, 746-8411 plans to hire Dole Land Management Inc. to spray 211 acres near Quartz Creek and McKenzie River tributaries with imazapyr. See ODF notices 2014-771-00413 and 2014-771-00414, call Tim Meehan at 726-3588 with questions.

• Oxbow Timber 1 LLC, 935-2507, plans to spray herbicides along 200 miles of roads in Lane County. Notice is 2014-781-00518, call ODF at 935-2283.

• Giustina Land & Timber Co. plans to hire Northwest Reforestation Services LLC to spray herbicides for conifer release near Rebel Creek, Truman Creek, Boardtree Creek, Crow Creek, Jones Creek, Jackson Creek, Norris Creek, Doak Creek. See ODF notices 2014-781-00521 and 2014-781-00526, call Brian Peterson or Robin L. Biesecker at 935-2283 with questions.

• High Mountain Investment Group Inc, 746-8411, plans to hire Rosboro LLC to spray 5 acres of roadsides with glyphosate, imazapyr and/or triclopyr. See ODF notice 2014-551-00204, call Bill Mahr at 929-3266 with questions.

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