Lane County Area Spray Schedule 7-31-14

• Oregon Department of Forestry, 935-2283, plans to hire Nick’s Timber Services Inc., 503-910-1120, to spray herbicides including Rodeo, Accord XRT II, Polaris SP, Element 4, MSM 60, Sulfomet XP with additives including LI700, MSO and red or blue dye for site prep and release on a total of 356 acres near Liebre, Gall, Nelson and Wildcat creeks and tributaries. See ODF notification 2014-781-00727, call ODF at 935-2283 with questions.

• M Three Timber Company LLC, 767-3785, plans to spray herbicides including Induce and Polaris AC on 80 acres near Muslin Creek tributaries. See ODF notification 2014-781-00764, call Brian Peterson at 935-2283 with questions.

• Transition Management, Inc., 521-5897, plans to spray 124 acres near Preacher Creek and tributaries with herbicides including clopyralid, hexazinone, sulfometuron methyl, imazapyr and triclopyr ester. See ODF notifications 2014-781-00758 and 2014-781-00765, call Brian Peterson at 935-2283 with questions.

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