Student Q&As

Photos by Trask Bedortha

Lorenzo Chicas-Cruz

Age: 19

Major: Auto technician

Year: Freshman

Hometown: Eugene, Oregon

School: LCC

How do you get to campus?

By car.

How are you paying for college?

Working for it, and my parents are helping me a little.

What do you think about marijuana legalization?

I don’t know.

What’s your favorite thing about LCC?

The teachers are helpful.

Have you ever seen any cougars on campus?


What would you do if you saw one?

Run away from it.

Christopher Johnson

Age: 18

Major: Biology

Year: Freshman

School: LCC

How do you get to campus?

I’m going to be riding the bus.

What do you think about marijuana legalization?

I don’t really care to be honest. I don’t do it. I don’t judge people for doing it. Just do want you want to do.

How are you paying for college?

Financial aid. My parents and grandparents are helping me out too.

Have you ever seen a cougar on campus?


What would you do if you saw one?

I don’t know.

Alissondra Wright

Age: 18

Major: Nursing

Year: Freshman

Hometown: Cottage Grove, Oregon

School: LCC

How do you get to campus?

When I get a bus pass I’ll use the bus, but for now I’m using my car. I think the majority of students ride the bus.

What would you do if you saw a cougar on campus?

Probably take a picture!

What other wildlife have you seen here?

I actually saw turkeys the other day! Would you call other students strange animals?

What do you think about marijuana legalization?

I think it’s just fine for medicinal purposes, but I’m not so sure I’d like everybody else smoking it, especially since I have asthma and it affects my breathing. I have family who’ve smoked it in front of me for medical and other purposes.

What’s your favorite thing about LCC?

I get to see a lot of the people I graduated with, and I get to see that they actually grew up!

Least favorite?

So many stairs! It looks like the building complexes are made to be a maze.

Jed Gilbert

Age: 35

Major: Fine art/design

Year: Last two terms

Hometown: Reno, Nevada

School: LCC

How do you get to campus?

I take the bus.

What do you think about marijuana legalization?

I have no problem with marijuana itself but I do have a problem with the way they’ve written the law and where the money goes to. It just seems devious. I just think that a third of it goes to a department that I didn’t think was underfunded and has been fighting any type of legalization of marijuana. Beyond medical and recreational use, I just think it’s a political farce to put more money into people’s pockets who try to take it out of the people I know’s pockets. I don’t know how to say that without being too crazy.

How are you paying for college?

Besides my good looks? Just kidding. I have a hair company, Electric Hairland Eugene, so I’m a private stylist, and I tried to work for hair places, but they won’t respect your schedule, so I’ve just gone to being a rogue hairdresser.

Have you ever seen any cougars on campus?

No, I’ve not. But turkeys! Turkeys are cool, dude. I’ve never seen any cougars. There are deer; it’s natural up here, but I don’t think an animal like that would come onto campus. When I hear about it, I think it’s just stoners on the hill. There are turkeys everywhere, there’s no need for a cougar to come onto campus for any kind of reason. I think that species is actually not even willing to be around people, so for me I think people just have this rabid animal thing in their head. Save the cougars! They’re cool. If you watch a nature video, they always take the weakest of the herd, so those must be the people that are complaining!

What’s the best thing about LCC?

I always call it the diamond in the rough. There’s a lot of humdrum but you will find a gem or two of people here that will just astound you. Really brilliant people. Not everywhere, not everybody. But it’s cool they’re tucked away up here. And the art people, because with the UO being so close, and the way they treat the teachers there is so shitty, we always get UO teachers. You’d be surprised who’s up here. The art department has really good people.

Least favorite?

When they close down in the summer, they really close down. They do not run four terms around here at all. That, and financial aid. They’re timely to get it to you, but for people who aren’t as diligent as I am, they’re not getting out information to who wants to know. Actually, my least favorite thing, I’ll tell you what my least favorite thing is: the red-haired financial aid guy, because he almost made me cry. He’s horrible. Everyone complains about him and yet he’s still there. I’d say go to him if you want to cry.

Jennifer Chiu

Age: 23

Major: Business

Year: Senior

Hometown: Taipei, Taiwan

School: UO

How do you get to campus?

The EmX.

Do you think there’s too much or too little student housing in town?

Too much. They built the new ones recently, this summer, but the news ones are way better.

How are you paying for college?

My parents pay.

Who is the interim president of the UO? A. Phil Knight B. Richard Lariviere C. Peter DeFazio D. Scott Coltrane

I’ll say Phil Knight, but only because I know him.

What’s your favorite thing about the UO?

I like the sports spirit and that everyone’s really proud of it. When I first came here, I noticed that everybody wears school stuff, so I really like that.

Least favorite?

Maybe because I’m an international student, there should be more connection between the international students and the American students, because I feel like there is a lack of communication between them.

Francisco Morales-O’Connor

Age: 21

Major: Education

Year: Senior

School: UO

Do you think there’s too much or too little student housing in town?

I think there’s too much. I feel like I constantly see big buildings being built, and I’ve heard that recently these apartments are starting to have deals when they can’t fill up, so they’re discounting the apartment and making it less for the first few months and then it will be $1,000 after that.

If Phil Knight were your uncle, what would you have him buy you?

I’d have him pay for my tuition. And then grad school, and Ph.D., all of it.

How are you paying for college?

My parents help me, but I pay for my apartment and everything else. I have two jobs. I work for Safe Ride, and I also have a desk job in the residence halls.

What do you think about marijuana legalization?

Gosh, that’s tough. I’d say sure, yeah, but we need to educate people more in terms of control and making sure that students and everyone are educated in marijuana use. I really hate the culture of laziness, and I think our society is really lazy as it is, and we need more people who are politically active, and it’s hard to be politically active when you’re getting high in your room. I’m not a user. Everyone should have the right to do want they want, but just like alcohol, you shouldn’t drink all the time, you shouldn’t smoke all the time.

What’s your favorite thing about the UO?

The people and honestly, the amount of campus resources there are. It’s unfortunate some people don’t take advantage of what there is. And there’s also a lot of free food. You can get food anywhere.

Least favorite?

Student athletics. I really don’t like the football team. I’m really not a big fan.

Erik Hadland

Age: 29

Major: Chemistry

Year: Ph.D. student

Hometown: Minneapolis, Minnesota

School: UO

How do you get to campus?

Over the summer I drove, but when my parking permit expires I’m just going to bike.

What do you think about marijuana legalization?

I guess I’m going to listen to what doctors have to say.

Who is the interim president of the UO? A. Phil Knight B. Jay Bozievich C. Peter DeFazio D. Scott Coltrane

God, are you going to post my wrong answer in the paper? I think it’s Scott Coltrane but I’m not sure.

What’s your favorite thing about the UO?

I would say so far it’s the people that I’ve met. I also like the sports culture.

Least favorite?

I wish Eugene were bigger. It seems really small.

Katie Lillard

Age: 20

Major: Computer science

Year: Junior

Hometown: Denver, Colorado

School: UO

How do you get to campus?

I walk. I live just a block off campus.

If Phil Knight were your uncle, what would you have him buy you?

That’s a good question. I’d ask him to pay for my out-of-state tuition.

What do you think about marijuana legalization?

I’m indifferent. It doesn’t really affect me.

What’s your favorite thing about the UO?

I love all of our sports events. I love how we can all come together. My high school wasn’t like that so it’s nice to be part of something bigger. And I love the people here. They’re really laid back and easy to get along with.

Least favorite?

I can’t really think of one right now, and I’m not just saying that.

Gabriela Saldana

Age: 20

Major: International studies and public policy planning management

Year: Junior

Hometown: Portland, Oregon

School: UO

How do you get to campus?

By walking, and anywhere else I take the EmX.

Do you think there’s too much or too little student housing in town?

I feel like there’s a lot, but not enough affordable housing.

Who is the interim president of the UO? A. Phil Knight B. Richard Lariviere C. Peter DeFazio D. Scott Coltrane

I’ll first say that I don’t know, but I’m going to go with B.

How are you paying for college?

I’m paying mostly through financial aid and the work that I do, and the loan my parents give me.

What’s your favorite thing about the UO?

All the cultural clubs. I’m part of two of them right now. It’s really nice to have some diversity in the campus.

Least favorite?

There’s not enough attention put into academics, not as much as I’d like it to be. Especially in the sciences. Even though I’m not a science major, I think science and math are important. Definitely more attention to research.

Haley Allemand

Age: 21

Major: Psychology

Year: Senior

Hometown: Portland, Oregon

School: OSU

Do you think there’s too much or too little student housing?

It’s growing, but I’m not sure there’s too much. I think it matches what the population is doing at the school.

How are you paying for college?

A few scholarships and a few loans, and also working at the coffee shop in the library.

Do you know who the president of OSU is?

No. I feel bad for answering it like that, but I don’t know.

What’s the best thing about OSU?

I really like the layout of the campus. I like all the trees, and nothing’s too out of the way to get to.

And the worst thing?

Besides how expensive it is?

Agustin Vega-Peters

Age: 23

Major: English & Ethnic Studies

Year: Senior

School: OSU

How do you get to campus?

My longboard.

Do you think there’s too much or too little student housing in Corvallis?

Students keep getting pushed back every year, more and more outside of campus. In terms of housing, a lot of times apartment complexes might not have the best standards. And then the problem is if they’re too far out into the Corvallis community, [the community is] kind of upset with students living a college lifestyle in what they think of as a family-type place. So I think it’s definitely not adequate or appropriate housing.

How are you paying for college?

Loans and grants, and I also work.

What’s your favorite thing about OSU?

I really like the TV studio. That used to be my major, so I would shoot TV shows there.

Least favorite thing?

That the school is turning into a corporation. I guess just from my perspective, a lot of things tend to revolve around how much money the university can make. Not everything, but you see a lot of things turn into more business-like operations.

Jenn Garcia

Age: 35

Major: Business management with an international option

Year: Senior

Hometown: Manteca, California

School: OSU

How do you get to campus?

Walking, mostly.

Do you think there is too much student housing in town or not enough?

Isn’t there a 1 percent vacancy rate? So I’m thinking not enough. It’s really hard to find places because it’s expensive.

How are you paying for college?

I work, and I have financial aid, a loan.

What do you think about marijuana legalization?

I don’t think about it. It doesn’t matter to me, I guess, either way.

What’s your favorite thing about OSU?

I think it’s the spirit of OSU. That team spirit, not just in sports, but being part of a community.

And your least favorite?

What do I complain about the most? Probably the cost of going to school. Also, they don’t have very many night classes. When I moved down here the plan was to work full time and take night classes. I didn’t realize you can’t do that here. You can’t have a normal office-type job and go to school full time.

Who’s the president of OSU?

Oh, Ed Ray.

Francisco Yanqui-Rivera

Age: 21

Major: Biotechnology

Year: Junior

Hometown: Quito, Ecuador

School: OSU

How are you paying for college?

I got a scholarship from my government, from my home institution in Ecuador, and I’m working here also doing some research in the animal science lab, and some help from my parents.

What’s your favorite thing about OSU?

Probably diversity and environment. The opportunities, like the chance I have to work in the lab and be involved in research and experiments.

And your least favorite?

Classes are too big. There isn’t much interaction between the student and the teacher. Also, there should be more places with healthy food. Most places here are only serving hamburgers.

Who’s the president of OSU?

Edward Ray.

Emily Rogers

Age: 20

Major: Animal science

Year: Senior

Hometown: Monmouth, Oregon

School: OSU

How do you get to campus?

I’m an RA so I live in the residence hall, but if I’m coming from another city, I drive or take the bus.

Do you think there’s too much student housing in town or too little?

I actually feel like there’s too little, because when I lived off campus before, it was very hard. You go on multiple waiting lists for apartments, and it takes a long time, and it’s a gamble, especially if you can’t live here during the summer or if you only want to be here during the summer.

How are you paying for college?

I’m paying for it myself through scholarships and both private and federal loans, and work.

What do you think about marijuana legalization?

For my job, I do not want it legalized because it will make our jobs more complicated in the residence halls. We abide by federal law, and if people legalize it, that’s great, but from a work standpoint, it would make our job more difficult enforcing that on campus.

What’s your favorite thing about OSU?

It’s just the community. We’re all super friendly, and it’s really easy if you don’t know someone to go ask them a question and they will help you. It’s just a great sense of togetherness.

And your least favorite?

That’s hard. I will say how big the campus is. Sometimes if I have a class across campus, I like taking my time when I walk, and I don’t want to have to power-walk all the way down to the other end. Which isn’t necessarily a bad thing?

Who’s the president of OSU?

Ed Ray.

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