Thanksgiving 2014

Each year at this time in the month of November

I like to take stock, settle back and remember

The good things in life, all the stuff I hold dear

So I stop to say “Thanks!” as Thanksgiving draws near

I know being grateful is good for my soul

So today I say thanks for my cereal bowl

Which I found at Goodwill for just 99 cents

A very affordable household expense

I give thanks for this bowl of organic granola

And try not to fret too much over Ebola

The news is distressing and folks are desirous

Of somebody somewhere to conquer this virus

But wait, lest I fall into panicked distraction

Which causes more fear in a big chain reaction

I’ll focus instead on the stuff I can do

To improve things for people like me and like you

I’m thankful for having at least one small voice

To use in support of our freedom of choice

To purchase organics, expose GMOs

Stop spraying our weeds, let our scraps decompose

I’m thankful for all the good people protesting

To bring about more fossil fuel divesting

To keep us aware of the climate change crisis

Instead of obsessing on news about ISIS

In fact my whole point as I started this verse

Was to stop and be grateful, not make matters worse

By failing to notice that beauty abounds

In the bright autumn colors, the scents and the sounds

The birds who are singing outside at my feeder

Whose song makes my morning at home that much sweeter

I’m taking a breath, breathing in, breathing out

Remembering there’s plenty to be glad about

I’m thankful for money to cover my needs

With extra for potting soil, compost and seeds

That turn into flowers and bring to my yard

Butterflies, hummingbirds, spinach and chard

My cat is curled up on my lap as I write

The clouds took a break now the sun’s shining bright

How thankful I am for this home and this life

With my fabulous friends and my now-legal wife

I’m taking this time to be glad for what’s great

Like the freedom to marry right here in our state

And the number of states is consistently mounting

The most recent report now at 30 and counting

Our goal of equality under the law

Is happening now, can I get a yee-haw?

While I’m on a roll, I could go on at length

I’m glad for my body, my health and my strength

For freedom to do all the things I enjoy

For more gender options than just girl or boy

I’m thankful for friendship, for love that’s enduring

For hope and support, which I find reassuring

I’m thankful the Weekly keeps printing my column

(Notwithstanding some readers who think me a golem)

I’m grateful sincerely I get to express

My thoughts and ideas, for freedom of press

I hope you will join me and give some thanks too

For all of the good things you have and you do

There’s so much that’s sweet, so much good to remember

We all can give thanks at this time in November

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