San Diego punk band Drug Control evokes the glory days of So Cal bands like Black Flag and Circle Jerks. “We take influences from older East and West coast bands and blend them into our style,” says vocalist Danny Lyerla.
And Drug Control’s 2014 debut demo is quintessential American hardcore: short, pummeling, unrelentingly aggressive and athletically angry. With song titles like “Enough is Enough,” “Fried” and “About To Snap,” the record seeps with the revolutionary nihilism hardcore music is known for.
“Hardcore is just a very aggressive and fast music,” Lyerla says, adding, “I dig that we take influence from harder, more aggressive-sounding bands and blend it in with a youth-crew influence as well.”
And Drug Control proudly call themselves “straight edge,” a punk social movement often attributed to Ian Mackaye of Minor Threat and Fugazi. Straight-edge bands are known for a rejection of tobacco, alcohol and drugs.
“Straight and to the point, as it should be,” Lyerla jokes. “We don’t smoke, we don’t drink and we don’t do drugs.”
While on tour, Lyerla has pit-stopped in Eugene and is looking forward to finally playing a show locally. “I hear good things about the town and I am stoked to check things out. Small towns often have the best and most supportive scenes.”
Drug Control plays with Novellas and Meathead 7:30 pm Monday, Dec. 29, at The Lorax (1648 Alder St.); $3 or a can of cat or dog food suggested donation.