Arts Hound

Comedian Brian Regan is beloved for the same reasons Jerry Seinfeld became a household name: He does observational comedy without relying on profanity to edge-up his act. But don’t confuse “clean” jokes with boring — fellow funnyman and f-bomb launcher Marc Maron has said Regan is the favorite comedian of other comedians. Need a refresher or an introduction? Regan’s appearance on Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee, Seinfeld’s latest show, is a good start (watch at See Regan’s act 7:30 pm Thursday, Jan. 8, at the Hult Center.

The opening First Friday ArtWalk of 2015 is a lovely swirl of wood sculpture (Robert Horner’s work at New Zone Gallery), wood prints (Josh Krute’s tree forms at Urban Lumber), photography (the images of Tracy Sydor at InEugene Real Estate and of Sam Gehrke at the Broadway Commerce Center), global watercolor studies (various artists at The Gallery at the Watershed) and more. Mija Andrade, resident artist of Oregon Supported Living Program, will host the guided tour. See for details.

Also opening 5 pm Friday, Jan. 2, at WOW Hall is the “kaleidoscopic” art show featuring multimedia works by Anna Helena Jackson, one of the winning artists of the EW ArtsHound on Broadway contest. Her design (of a psychedelic unicorn, mind you) was displayed on the EW distribution box outside of Tokyo Tonkatsu during the month of September. A replica of the unicorn and other beautifully intricate and whimsical works will be up for the entire month.

Made in the USA — the monthly LGBTQ happy hour and fundraiser put on by The Department of Spectacular at The Barn Light — is back for round two 6 pm to midnight Wednesday, Jan. 7, and this time around, the theme state is Kansas. If last month’s inaugural event was any indicator, the downtown bar will be booming with an all-ages crowd sipping on specialty Wizard of Oz cocktails and mugging for the photo booth or, rather, the aptly named “Anti-Westboro Mocking Booth.” There will be Kansas BBQ and music by The South Hills Bluegrass band.

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