Lane County Area Spray Schedule 1-15-15

• Transition Management, Inc., 521-5897, plans to ground spray and hack and squirt clopyralid, glyphosate, hexazinone, imazapyr, sulfometuron methyl and/or MSO Concentrate on 46 acres near Preacher Creek. See ODF notification 2015-781-00427, call Brian Peterson at 935-2283 with questions. 

• M.D. Yearous Logging, Inc., 729-8481, plans to ground spray Accord Concentrate, Oust XP, Transline and Velpar L on 7.6 acres near Doane Rd and 8.1 acres near Cottage Grove-Lorane Road and 2.7 acres south of Cottage Grove. See ODF notifications 2015-781-00728 and 2015-781-00722 and 2015-781-00715, call Brian Peterson at 935-2283 with questions. 

• Rosboro LLC, 736-2100, plans to hack and squirt imazapyr on over 300 acres near Lake Creek tributaries. See ODF notifications 2015-781-00102, 00103, 00104, 00105 and 00106, call Robin Biesecker at 935-2283 with questions. 

• Rosboro LLC, 736-2100, plans to hack and squirt imazapyr on 79 acres near Quartz Creek and 92 acres near Lingasher Summit on the McKenzie. See ODF notifications 2015-771-00109, 00138, and 00139, call Nikolai B. Hall at 726-3588 with questions.

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