Back in June of 2014, Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) hit Pacific Recycling with a $327,686 penalty for repeatedly discharging harmful levels of industrial pollutants to waters of the state and failing to install a treatment system in 2011 as it had promised to do. DEQ reduced the penalty to $47,494 in January and issued an order requiring Pacific Recycling to install its treatment system by Jan. 16; Pacific Recycling agreed to pay a penalty of $283,157 if it failed to meet this deadline. Pacific Recycling missed the deadline. DEQ has again let Pacific Recycling off the hook, instead imposing a penalty of $11,600 for the latest missed deadline, and giving Pacific Recycling until June 30 to install the treatment system. Pacific Recycling has now agreed to pay the $283,157 penalty if they miss the new deadline. For the penalties that Pacific Recycling has actually agreed to pay at this point ($47,494 plus $11,600), DEQ has come up with a payment plan allowing Pacific Recycling to pay $980 per month through July of 2021.
DEQ is accepting comments through 5 pm Friday, June 5, on Pacific Recycling’s application for Clean Water Act stormwater permit coverage for its stormwater discharges. Visit for information on commenting. Pacific Recycling’s stormwater discharges have taken place pursuant to an expired permit since July 1, 2012.
DEQ is also accepting comments through 5 pm Wednesday, June 10, on Fam-Lee, LLC’s application for a Clean Water Act construction stormwater permit for its Addyson Creek project on River Road. Visit for more information on commenting.