Student Q&As

Brandon Hosea

Major: Economics and public relations

Year: Senior

Age: 21

Hometown: Bend, Oregon

Would you vote for Donald Trump?



Because I respect his ambition. Honestly, I agree with some of the stuff he says, some of it I don’t — you can’t agree with everything.

Have you heard of “The Big One,” the big earthquake that’s supposed to happen?

Oh yeah!

Are you doing anything to prepare?

… no.

What’s your legal vice of choice? Pot or alcohol?

Alcohol, for sure.

What’re your favorite and least favorite things about school?

We suck at football this year. But my favorite thing is our colors.

Who is the president of the UO?

No idea.

What is your best piece of advice for students?

Get your shit done and work hard, but party hard.

Austin Brusse

Major: Advertising

Year: Senior

Age: 21

Hometown: Portland, Oregon

Have you heard of “The Big One” and what are you doing to prepare?

I have! I worked in insurance this summer, State Farm, and a ton of people actually called in to retrofit their homes and add earthquake insurance. So I’ve been helping other people out.

Are you currently registered to vote?

I am not.

What do you think of the current presidential candidates?

Um, I really like Rand Paul. I’m a little bit of a libertarian, but I like his views. I also like Trump. I think our country could use somebody who can put all else aside for a little bit and just sort of get us out of debt and run a successful business, and at this point that’s what our country needs to be viewed as.

What’re you dressing up as for Halloween?

I think me and my girlfriend are gonna be “Netflix and Chill.”

What are your favorite and least favorite things about school?

Favorite thing would be probably the walkability of our campus and the parties. Least favorite would probably be that it’s a little too liberal at times.

Have you heard of the “Free the Nipple” campaign? 

I have. I’m a fan. But I’d also have to throw in a counterargument that if equality comes out in that way, that there shouldn’t be things such as “women hours” at the gym.

Shaniece Curry

Major: Ethnic Studies and Planning Public Policy and Management

Year: Senior

Age: 21

Hometown: North Portland, Oregon 

Are you registered to vote?

I am registered to vote.

What do you think of the current presidential candidates?

I think we are doomed.

Would you vote for Donald Trump?

I would not vote or even look him in the face. He’s a terrible person and he is exactly what’s wrong with America. What do they say when they don’t want to answer a question.

No comment?

Yeah, no comment.

What are you dressing up as for Halloween?

I’m gonna be Lil’ Kim and my boyfriend is gonna be Biggie Smallz.

How much debt do you currently have?

Seventeen grand, I think.

What is your favorite and least favorite thing about school?

My favorite thing is that it introduced me to public health. My least favorite thing is I’m in a sea of white people and I am not represented as a minority.

Do you know who the current president of the UO is?

If I check my email … You know, I don’t keep up with presidents because I’ve been here for four years and this is my third president, so…

What is your best piece of advice for other students?

As a minority, join a student organization. If not, just try to be involved as much as you can, because I think that’s how I got the best of my experience.

Keoni Conlu

Major: Journalism (broadcast)

Year: Senior

Age: 24

Hometown: Beaverton, Oregon

Are you doing anything to prepare for “The Big One”?

I saw the movie San Andreas, so I’m mentally preparing for that. I’m gonna start learning to swim, start building forts.

Are you registered to vote?


What do you think of the current presidential candidates?

I just saw a South Park episode where Donald Trump was the president of Canada, so if that happened I’d probably leave the country. But honestly, I’m not super into politics. But when it comes to Donald Trump running, I’ve gotta slightly pay attention.

So I take it you wouldn’t vote for Donald Trump? 

No. I heard his views on immigration. That was pretty bad.

What’s your legal vice of choice, pot or alcohol?

Alcohol, I have asthma.

What’re you dressing up as for Halloween?

I have this giant Wilfred dog costume that I spent my financial aid money on, so if it’s still clean and I can still roll with it, then I’m doing that.

How much debt do you have?

I think I have a good idea, but I don’t wanna think about it.

What are your favorite and least favorite things about your school?

Favorite would probably have to be the school spirit and just all the enthusiasm students have towards the team, despite what happened last weekend. Also, the buildings are amazing. Least favorite would be 8 am classes. I don’t have any, but that fact that they have those just tortures me on the inside.

Christopher Rizzo

Major: Multimedia and digital arts

Year: Senior

Age: No comment

Hometown: Brooklyn, New York

Are you registered to vote?

I am.

Would you vote for Donald Trump?

No. He’s too selfish. He almost prides himself on acting that way.

What’s your legal vice of choice, pot or alcohol?

I think pot is better for you health wise, but for me, it’s not the most social thing to do. I just sit there and don’t talk.

What’re you dressing up as for Halloween?

Probably me.

What’re your favorite and least favorite things about your school?

Well, I like how much nature there is, all the vegetation. Least favorite thing, I’d rather not say.

Nothing at all?

Well, from what I’ve heard and talking to professors I’ve talked to, there’s a feeling that too much funding goes towards uniforms for sports players, and they’ll be shutting down a lab somewhere at the same time.

What’s your best piece of advice for other students?

Balance work and fun.

Have you heard about the “Free The Nipple” campaign?

I have not. What is it?

It’s about gender equality — if men can have their shirts off, women should be able to have their shirts off.

I’m all for it.

Madison Hackett

Major: International Studies

Year: Sophomore

Age: 20

Hometown: San Diego, California

Have you done anything to prepare for “The Big One”?

Yeah, I actually took this Red Cross disaster prep kind of thing. I just moved here from Santa Monica so we had all this prep for it.

What do you think of the current presidential candidates?

Well I definitely hear a lot of stuff about Trump, and I’m not super into it yet because I’m not even registered now.

What’re you going to dress up as for Halloween?

My boyfriend and I are dressing up like Jedis, so we can do it again for the [Star Wars] premiere.

What’re your favorite and least favorite things about your school?

My favorite is how beautiful it is, gorgeous and green because it’s Oregon. I don’t like that there’s a big push for liberalism, and if you don’t agree with that, it can be small-minded towards conservatives.

Do you know who the current UO president is?

I do! But I can’t remember his name.

Makeda Drennan 

Major: Advertising

Year: Senior

Age: 21

Hometown: Santa Rosa, California

Emma Grady

Major: Human physiology

Year: Senior

Age: 21

Home country: Singapore

Have you done anything to prepare for “The Big One” earthquake?

Emma: No, I knew there was an earthquake coming but I didn’t know it was “The Big One”!

Makeda: Yeah, my family designated a meeting place, and we have canned goods and emergency packs in the garage.

What do you think of Kanye for president?

Makeda: Absolutely not.

What about Donald Trump?

Makeda: Even more concerning than Kanye.

What’s your drink of choice?

Makeda: Twilight Summer Ale from Deschutes.

What are you dressing up as for Halloween?

Emma: I think one night we’re gonna be the two blonde emojis in the black tutus.

Who is the president of the UO?

Emma: I should know this, but I can’t remember.

Makeda: Is his name Michael?

What’s your favorite and least favorite things about your school?

Emma: I love that people always appreciate the sunshine. It rains a lot, so when it’s beautiful like it is now, people are always outside. I guess least favorite is the rain.

Makeda: And out-of-state tuition.

What is your best piece of advice for students?

Emma: Get involved in everything you can.

Have you heard of the “Free the Nipple” campaign? What do you think of it?

Makeda: Yes! I think it’s awesome.

Makeda Drennan and Emma Grady

Shayar Gilani

Major: Business/finance and economics

Year: Junior

Age: 20

Hometown: Beaverton, Oregon, but originally from Iran

Have you heard of “The Big One”?


The earthquake?

Oh, yes! I thought you were gonna talk about football or something, like that was a big one.

What do you think of Kanye running for president?

I would take Yeezy. I like his shoes.

What about Donald Trump?

I don’t like him. As a Persian, as a Middle Easterner, I think he’s racist. But at the same time, he’s honest — so an interesting guy.

What’re you dressing up as for Halloween?

Have you seen Peaky Blinders? They’re these badass London gangsters, one of those.

Who is the president of UO?

That’s a very good question. I don’t know. Obama?

What is your best piece of advice for other students?

Don’t get behind on schoolwork. Do everything on time. Drink. But don’t go too hard. Survive. It’s all about survival.

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