LNG Project Denied

The Western Environmental Law Center reports that conservation groups that have been battling the Jordan Cove Energy Project, a liquefied natural gas pipeline and terminal had a major win on Friday, March 11.

WELC says in its email blast that 

decision on Friday from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has dealt a major blow to a proposed liquefied natural gas (LNG) pipeline and export terminal project in southern Oregon.

WELC says the fight is not over, writing:

The proposed pipeline would bring fracked gas from the intermountain West to the Oregon coast where it would be processed and sent via ships to Asian gas markets. The 200+ mile pipeline would clear cut a straight corridor at least 50-feet wide across rivers and through national forests, impacting riparian reserves, old-growth forests, and recreational trails (including a crossing of the Pacific Crest Trail).

Endangered fish species such as Chinook salmon, coho salmon, chum salmon, steelhead, coastal cutthroat trout, pacific and river lamprey, and green sturgeon would all be impacted. In addition, the project, if built, would be the largest greenhouse gas emitting facility in Oregon.

We are thrilled that FERC has denied the project's applications, but the fight is not over yet. The company behind the LNG project could still challenge FERC's decision in court. We will monitor the situation closely going forward and will be prepared to take action in the future if necessary.

According to FERC:

The Commission orders:

            (A)      In Docket No. CP13-492-000, Pacific Connector’s request for a certificate of public convenience and necessity under section 7(c) of the NGA to construct and operate an approximately 232-mile-long, 36-inch-diameter pipeline is denied. 

            (B)       In Docket No. CP13-483-000, Jordan Cove’s request for authorization under section 3 of the NGA to site, construct, and operate its LNG terminal in Coos Bay County, Oregon is denied.

The Oregonian reports that "Friday's rejection came with a caveat: The two companies are free to reapply in the future and the commission would consider their plans if they can demonstrate 'a market need' for their product."

Check out some history on the project here, via a 2010 EW feature story on the issue, "Make Love, Not Gas."

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